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Nigel is Professor of Air Transport and Tourism Management. He has a PhD in Air Transport Management and an MSc in Tourism Management. He teaches and conducts research and consultancy in air transport and tourism. His main interests are in accessibility, adventure, digital transformation, educational research, interorganisational relations, marketing and strategy, service quality, socio-economic analysis, and sustainability.


He has published extensively including in high ranked journals such as Annals of Tourism Research, the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, and Transportation Research Part A. He is co-author of the book Airport Marketing and co-editor of The Routledge Companion to Air Transport Management. He has managed research and consulting projects for public and private sector organisations including Avinor, Dubai Aerospace University, Fly Laurentians, Møre and Romsdal County Council, and the Norwegian Ministry of Transport. He has also managed and participated in projects funded by the Research Council of Norway – Transport 2025 Programme, the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) – EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020, and the European Commission – ERASMUS+ Programme.


Nigel has held honorary positions as a Visiting Research Fellow with the Centre for Tourism Research at the University of Westminster in London and as an Adjunct Associate Professor with the School of Aviation at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. He is a member of the Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) and he is on the Editorial Board of Annals of Tourism Research, the Journal of Air Transport Management, Journal of Airport Management, Sustainability: Section Board for Sustainable Transportation, and the World Review of Intermodal Transportation Research.


He has previously worked as Associate Professor in Logistics (Transport and Tourism) at Molde University College, Guest Senior Research Scientist in Transport Economics at Møreforsking Molde, Principal Lecturer and Subject Group Director in Aviation Management and Operations at London Metropolitan University, Marketing Executive/Instructor Trainer/Operations Manager at PGL Travel, Policy Adviser at the UK Department for Transport, and Airline Licensing Executive at the UK Civil Aviation Authority.


Nigel Halpern
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Digital transformation


Educational research


Interorganisational relations


Marketing and strategy


Service quality


Socio-economic analysis




Cranfield University

PhD Air Transport Management



London Metropolitan University

PGCert. Teching & Learning in Higher Education



Sheffield Hallam University

MSc Tourism Management (with distinction)

BA(Hons) Recreation Management (2:1)

HND Leisure Studies (with merit)


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