Book chapter on partnerships between tourism destination stakeholders and the air transport sector
Contributed Chapter 15 on "Partnerships between tourism destination stakeholders and the air transport sector" to a new book on "Air...

Book: The Routledge Companion to Air Transport Management
Description The Routledge Companion to Air Transport Management provides a comprehensive, up-to-date review of air transport management...
Publication: Factors affecting airport route development activity and performance
New publication in the Journal of Air Transport Management on "Factors affecting airport route development activity and performance". The...
Publication: Low cost carriers and the changing fortunes of airports in the UK
New publication in the journal of Research in Transportation Business & Management on "Low cost carriers and the changing fortunes of...
Publication: Air transport liberalisation and airport dependency: Developing a composite index
New publication in the Journal of Transport Geography on "Air transport libaralisation and airport dependency: Developing a composite...
Publication: Airport route development: A survey of current practice
New publication in the journal of Tourism Management on "Airport route development: A survey of current practice". The paper is authored...

New book on Airport Marketing
Publication: Meetings facilities at airports
New publication in the Journal of Air Transport Management on "Meetings facilities at airports". The paper is authored with Anne Graham...