Book chapter on partnerships between tourism destination stakeholders and the air transport sector
Contributed Chapter 15 on "Partnerships between tourism destination stakeholders and the air transport sector" to a new book on "Air...
Publication: Effect of component failure on tour package evaluation
Tour packages comprise two or more service components sold as a bundle, and multiple actors are often used to deliver individual...
Publication: Effect of detailed contracts and partner irreplaceability on interfirm conflict
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of detailed contracts and partner irreplaceability on interfirm conflict in...

Book: The Routledge Companion to Air Transport Management
Description The Routledge Companion to Air Transport Management provides a comprehensive, up-to-date review of air transport management...
Publication: A review of empirical research on interorganizational relations in tourism
Abstract During the last few decades, a growing body of literature has been produced on various aspects of interorganizational relations...
Publication: Interfirm conflicts in tourism value chains
New publication in the journal Tourism Review on "Interfirm conflicts in tourism value chains". The paper is authored with Deodat...

Book chapter on air transport marketing
Happy to have contributed Chapter 19 on Air transport marketing to a new book on "Air transport management: An international...
Publication: Factors affecting airport route development activity and performance
New publication in the Journal of Air Transport Management on "Factors affecting airport route development activity and performance". The...
Publication: Low cost carriers and the changing fortunes of airports in the UK
New publication in the journal of Research in Transportation Business & Management on "Low cost carriers and the changing fortunes of...
Publication: Air transport liberalisation and airport dependency: Developing a composite index
New publication in the Journal of Transport Geography on "Air transport libaralisation and airport dependency: Developing a composite...