Nigel Halpern går til Markedshøyskolen
Sad to be leaving Molde University College, the beautiful town of Molde, and the stunning surrounding area of Møre & Romsdal. However, I...
Publication: Airport route development: A survey of current practice
New publication in the journal of Tourism Management on "Airport route development: A survey of current practice". The paper is authored...

Appetite for a 263 billion dollar industry
The nature surrounding Molde is the perfect playground for the adventure seeking international tourist, but the local industry has so far...

Financial struggles of a growing industry: A study on the profitability of tourism businesses in Nor
ABSTRACT This study investigates the profitability of tourism businesses in Norway. Financial data for 2013 is extracted from the...

Towards open skies
Lufttransport har blitt strategisk viktig for mange land, spesielt etter andre verdenskrig. Som et resultat av dette har en av verdens...

The world watches Norwegian
Airline entrepreneurs have been trying to launch scheduled low-cost long-haul services since the 1970s. All have ended in failure which...

Strong growth in passenger air services to, from and in Norway
Seat capacity on flights to, from and within Norway exceeded 50 million for the first time in 2012, representing a 5.5 percent increase...

New book on Airport Marketing

SAS: The long and painful battle of a state-sponsored dinosaur
SAS has survived one crisis after another, but how long can and should it continue? Click here to access the full article (English) Click...
Publication: Content analysis of European airport websites
New publication in the Journal of Air Transport Management on "Content analysis of European airport websites". The paper is authored with...